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Champions League 欧洲冠军联赛

admin头像 admin 体坛最新分析 2024-05-18 08:05:34 67

Champions League 欧洲冠军联赛

在当季的雅思口语考试中,有一个describe an athlete的话题。帅哥给大家写了一个范例答案,描述C罗,大家来学习一下如何在这个话题上获得高分!加油! 注意:不知道那些和足球相关的专业词汇,可以选择不说,在其它地方获得词汇高分。 话题: Describe a famous athlete you like you should say who this athlete is how you know him or her what he or she has achieved and explain why you like this athlete 答案: I'm going to talk about Cristiano Ronaldo who is a football player from Portugal. He's quite good-looking and um, he’s very well-built. Cristiano is extremely well-known all over the world. Everybody, I mean, almost everybody knows him, even a lot of girls who don't like football and don't watch this sport very often. I know Cristiano Ronaldo because um ... well, it was already 10 years ago now, in 2008, he helped Manchester United win the Champions League. I watched the match with my ex-boyfriend, who was a huge fan of Man U. He told me that the guy wearing the No.7 shirt was Cristiano and he was the best player in the world. That was the first time I had seen him play and his amazing skills really impressed me. What Cristiano has achieved ... well, he’s gotten everything he could possible achieve I think. He’s helped Manchester United win the Premier League several times, he’s won La Liga and the Champions League a few times with Real Madrid. Oh, he has always led Portugal to the top of Europe during the UEFA Euro 2016. I feel that Cristiano Ronaldo deserves everything he’s achieved because he’s probably the most hard-working player ever. Because of this, he also sets a good example to those who look up to him ... (差不多时间到了......) 高分语言点: good-looking 长得帅气/漂亮的 well-built 身材匀称的、身材健美的 well-known=famous Manchester United 曼彻斯特联队(曼联) Champions League 欧洲冠军联赛 a huge fan of ... 非常喜欢...的人 impress me 给我留下深刻印象 Premier League 英格兰足球超级联赛 La Liga 西班牙足球甲级联赛 Real Madrid 皇家马德里队 lead ... to the top 带领...登顶 UEFA Euro 2016 2016年欧洲杯 deserve sth 值得... set a good example to ... 给...树立好的榜样 look up to ... 仰视、敬仰、崇拜... ------------------------------------ 七月雅思口语真经高分班可以报名了! 正课时间:(7.17-7.20)已经可以报名了! 课前:在专属QQ群(报名后会发送群号)内下载课前材料,练习 “99句”和新季度音频素材,抢先一步提升词汇、语感、发音、流利度基础。“背三句”练习,每日全评纠音,开课前就提升实力。 课上:讲解核心“逻辑扩展法”,用最简单的方法,驾驭所有难题怪题。死背答案、狂套结构的时代已经过去。是时候感受,Part2轻松聊完两分钟是怎样一种体验了。 课后:群内助教团带练,有互动、有点评,找到软肋,迅速提高;更有亲密的战友们,相互激励监督,走出独自练口语的绝望。 雅思口语其实很简单,但如果不想付出一丁点儿努力,高分/提分不会从天而降。踏踏实实跟着9分帅哥走,想不过都难。 帅哥曾两次在大陆考区拿到口语9分,对雅思口语考试的理解非常透彻。你该练什么,不该练什么,该怎么练,帅哥都会告诉你。 实力+技巧+练习=达成口语目标分,三个元素缺一不可,我们的课程都会提供。早报名,早进群,早练习,早提高。雅思路茫茫,对的选择可谓事半功倍,你的努力才是你的锦鲤。 无数的提分/高分学生已经反复验证了帅哥的教学方法是正确的,有效的。现在,轮到你来证明你自己,走上对的路,提分完全可以在短时间内做到。 更多课程信息及报名:长按下图识别二维码
